Monday, February 27, 2017

Dottie Rae 6 Months

Dottie you are one sweet little bug. You get the biggest smiles just when someone looks at you, have the best hand-eye coordination, and are quite the chatty Cathy.
You love to blow bubbles, hear your voice, play with wrappers, splash in the tub, and watch your big sissy.
You are now a roller, and a sitter. You are still into your binki- sometimes you like to bit it more than suck it. Still no sign of a tooth! You have tried rice cereal-- it isn't your fav, and applesauce with peaches- which you are more fond of, but are a much better nurser.

You are itty bitty, teeny tiny.

It has been a rough month for you. You have been sick for 3 weeks with a little cough, and congestion. The doctor said it was most likely RSV but not a severe case thankfully. It just so happened to be at the same time Goldie has had an ear infection. It is the worst having sick babies because there isn't always so much you can do. Regardless, you are still so pleasant during the day, happy and cuddly, at night is a different story. Your sleep has been extremely inconsistent-- you've been waking up every couple hours. Hopefully once you get feeling better the good sleep will kick in ;) Mom would LOVE that!

Weight: 14 lbs (14%)
Height: 25.9 in (49%)
Head: 42.3 cm (51%)

Eyes: Still a beautiful dark blue. Your eyes are so round and are always wide open and so happy.

Hair: Still a bit of a baldy but your hair seems like it will be a light brown color. The hair you do have is at the nape of your neck :)

Clothes: size 2 diapers, 3-6 on the verge of 6-12 tops, 0-3 bottoms. You have a long body, but are still so tiny! Starting to get some chub on your legs!! I love it! Thank goodness for your chubby cheeks ;)

You are kind of clapping! It is so cute! we will say "YAY!" and clap and you try so hard! No clapping noise yet, but you get those hands together. We are also working on saying "hi" and waving.

You have no interest in taking steps. You will stand up tall, but have no interest in taking steps.

The other night we were playing pass with Goldie and dad passed the ball to Dot and she caught it with both hands so tight! It was so funny!! We may have two little athletes on our hands.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Ice Castles

I am pretty sure we are the only people in Utah who don't own snow clothes and boots! Haha! We tried our hardest to bundle up to go see the ice castles in Midway-- excuse me, I mean Elsa's house as Goldie would say. She was really in a winter wonderland. Goldie is so fearless and adventurous. Willing to try almost anything, a trait she gets from her daddy, mama is a worrier ;) We were there to help promote a diaper bag company, but were excited to go because we knew our littles would love it. Well we knew Goldie would love it, although bundled, Dottie looked a bit miserable with her pink nose, but she gave us a couple smiles. Whenever we go out, and watch Goldie explore, and try new things, it makes me so happy! Seriously I think its my new favorite thing to do. I love the wonder and excitement that fills her whole demeanor. Moments like this is what makes motherhood, well parenthood, so amazing. Everything Scott and I do is to make our little ladies happy. They are our whole world, and we like it that way.

Get ready for a major picture overload. I warned you. But as a mom I feel like I am the one that usually takes the pictures, so its so easy for me to jump at the opportunity to get them done! Not that I love getting my picture taken, but I want my kids to remember me being there too ;)

Scott has always been attractive, but MAN! Dad looks good on you babe!!


Valentine Babies

Valentine's Day is one of my favorites. Probably I have so much LOVE in my life. I love celebrating those I love and this year is great to add another love bug to the mix. I love my family so much. These girls have brought a whole new meaning to the word LOVE. It's like a whole other level- like I am obsessed with them. They are, and always will be perfect in my eyes. Even though the terrible twos are hitting hard, and sleep can sometimes be scarce, I need to remember, these are days I'm going to miss. I already feel like babyhood is slipping through my fingers. I always want them  to know I love every bit about them. They are truly heaven sent.

I have started a little bow business on the side, and we did a valentine's shoot with a couple of friends. It was a little crazy with toddlers, but we were able to get some cute pictures of the girls as well.

The most pleasant baby around-- are sweetest Dottie Dot!

Can you handle those baby blues!? Seriously how can I ever get mad at those!!